Friday, October 31, 2008

Down From RM2.30 To RM2.15

The midnight of 1st of November 2008, our petrol will be adjusted downwards again. This will indeed help in relieving some of our expenses. Just hope that this downward trend will be also happen to our food and daily necessities.
1st November 2008
Bought some food back for the family this morning. The medium sized "Wan Tan Mee", that really looks like a small sized packing cost me RM 4.30 per pack while the "Hong Kong Chu Cheong Fun" cost me RM 3.50 per pack. So no change in the price of food since the day the fuel was adjusted to RM 2.70 per litre the other day. Sigh!!!
So I guess one of the ways will be to eat roadside RM 0.80 per piece of "Roti Canai" and RM 1.00 per glass of "Teh Tarik".
6th November 2008
Dropped by a local Mamak place for dinner. For a plate of rice with Taugeh (Bean Sprout) with a chicken drumstick and a glass of Teh O Limau Ice (Ice Lemon Tea), I have to pay RM 6.30.
Still hoping for the price of food to drop.
Do share with us if you have ways to help us save some money. Austerity drive is still on.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Ivan

Ivan is 5 today. Happy Birthday darling. It's seems so long for you to turn 5 but well, you are finally 5 today.

Quotable Quote

F1. This was in the local newspaper today.

This year's final will be as exciting as last year's. Going into the final Grand Prix in Brazil (Felipe Massa) country, he is trailing by 7 points from Lewis Hamilton, the current leader.

On whether he, Felipe Massa, will blame Ferrari, if he fails to win the Formula One Title this year, because high profile mistakes by his team have cost him crucial championship points? This was his reply...
"We are a team. I'm not going to be the one to point fingers at anyone. Everyone has the right to make mistake.

....We win together and we lose together"

Quote and unquote Felipe Massa

All the best to you Felipe Massa.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Riddle Me This

It was the usual after-dinner talk and laughter amongst our family and the topic went into riddles, easy-peasy ones asked by our 2 boys and of course, everyone, being the sport that we are, offered our answers.

Then Boy (Tai Piu Ko) asked, "Why is it that a man fell off a tall ladder but was not hurt?"

The following were answers offered by our 2 boys which just took the fun away from the riddles :

1. It was a short ladder.

2. It was not the man, it was another man.

3. The man did not fall because he was not really man.

4. It was a woman who fell.

5. It was a mannequin (No the boys didn't say this...but hey I'm writing here so I'm allowed to "edit" .

And the final answer was...the man fell off the 2nd rung of the tall ladder...


To all who celebrates Deepavali. A blessed Devali to you all. And enjoy your celebration as well as you holiday.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Mom - The "Immigration Department"

This is my mom. She will be 80 come December. She is our mom as well as our PR Expertise. My 2 brothers, my sister and I came to know the LORD when we were attending Elim Gospel Hall. Because our age span (Between my eldest brother and I) is 11 years, naturally we have our own sets of friends (though many are common) that we have developed.

My parents just loves to have people visits our home and my mom being the PR Expertise would be busy cooking and feeding our friends...mainly after our Sunday School classes. And because many have visited our mom would naturally knows most if not all our 4 "generations" of friends.

Now...she has one problem...remembering what could she do? Develop a "sophisticated" system to remember Nicknames. If there is a PHD for Nicknames...she should be holding it and graduated with honours. She was so good at it, and had given so many out, that it has come to a point where..if you do not have a nickname you are not from Elim Gospel Hall. So in turn she was eventually given a nickname by one of our friends; "Soong Took Kook" or Immigration Department. (Though some have escaped without nicknames given by mom because she could miraculously remember their names, some came with their own nicknames)

Here are some of the nicknames given. (Wanna identify who you are?)
"Ke Che" (Reporter), Pei Sui (Secretary), Pillow Case, "Wok Chan" Nose, "Lo Su Lung" (Rat cage), So Ta Peng (Cream Cracker Biscuits), Ma Pin Lui (Pony Tail), "Tab Pa Se Che" (Riding Bus), "Cheng Ye Leng" (An Actress' Name), New Si Lan (New Zealand), "Pat Ko A" (8 A's), "Luk Ko A" (6 A's), "Ng Ko As" (5 A's) "Leong Ko As" (2 A's), "Ho Yum Kung" (Very Pitiful), "Ng Kuen Tang Ke" (Lost IC), "Moon Min Am Chong" (Face full of pimple), "Yit Sui Woo" (Hot Water Flask), "Tai Ngan Mui" (Big Eyes), "Leng Lui" (Beautiful Girl), "Wong Meng Chun", "Cheng Sau Mun", "Cheong Cheng Yee" (Actress' name), "Tai Seng Kung" (Mr Loud), "Tai Seng Kung Sai Loh" (Mr Loud's younger brother), "Tai Siew Poh" (Ms Big Laughter), "Tam Pa Che" (Umbrella Carrier), "Mai Meen Cai" Mee Seller, (I will continue with the list.)
...hey can't remember anymore names here...please help my dear brothers and sister

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

We Used To...(Part 2)

My mom and my aunt. Some used to call them the Twin Sisters thought they are really not. My Aunt is younger. (More about my mom later)

We used to stay in a kampung house. No gas stove no proper drainage neither were there a complete water piping. We still draw a considerable amount of water from the well, that was situated right in the middle of the air-well. And for cooking, mum will have to stock a reasonable amount of wood for the stove...which she will also use a long pipe to blow to ignite the fire.
Toilet? Well, You have to walk up a 5-step stair before you reach the squatting-bucket-system toilet. It's the tallest place in the whole house. No wonder it's called the "throne". This was to enable the "Ah Pek" (who happens to be our neighbour) to come and collect the bucket...whenever he wants. I always wonder if there were times that he forgot to warn the user of his collection and......... My sister would always dread to use the toilet. That's why she developed constipation. Every time she uses it...she will have to use a roll of toilet paper to cover the (you know what), inside the bucket. Now I know where her daughter, Yin Meng, got her phobia. There was once where she vomited when she farted.
Being one of the few houses in the kampung that has a telephone and a Black and White television, it's normal to see people coming over to our house to make or receive calls. When night comes (especially Wednesday), we will see a crowd of friends crowding round our television to watch the chinese movies. My dad and mom used to really love this. They always love to share with their friends. This is trully community community. This is friendship. This is knowing your neighbours. Those were the good old days..."where everybody knows your name". So "CHEERS"

Monday, October 20, 2008

We Used To...(Part 1)

A&W used to be the only Fast Food chain in Ipoh opposite Cathay Cinema. Well...those days...going there was a real treat. The place being Air-Cond and all...with those modern chairs and tables and brightly lighted. Downing the Root Beer was....WOW!!!...(excuse me for using the word)...heaven!

Ah...we were mainly contented with RM1.50 bowl of rich or noodle in our regular mee stall, under the fan (if you can get a table underneath it). Sipping the RM0.50 cup of coffee (shared with mom) from the saucer. Ha! Those were the days. I smile thinking about it.

Dad used to be really strict with us. Whenever we go out, we must be well dressed...shirt, pants socks and shoes...ah...and handkerchief. Many times when I left my handkerchief would try to hand me her handkerchief from underneath the table. (I'm sure my dad knows about that, because of the different type of handkerchief that mom carries.)

Going to the movies was not a norm but a real adventure. The trips alone were fantastic. Dad would hire a trishaw (before we own a car) for us. The tickets were sold at RM0.65 (The seats are the nearest to the screen and you will surely come out with a stiff neck at the end of the movie). RM1.00 (sometimes RM1.25), RM 1.40 and the premium of RM 2.00 which were the Reserved Seats. Now this is for the rich. But then again when the lights are dimmed...there are sure to be a "musical chair" game happening. Before we enter the cinema, we used to buy our favourite black "quachi", Chiclets, steamed groundnuts etc before we walk into the hall with of cause the uncle holding a torch, guiding to to our seats.
Black "Quachi" My Preferred Choice.
Red "Quachi" My Mom's Favourite

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another Round...Fuel Down

Fuel price will be adjusted again come midnight tonight.
Yubba Dabba Dooo..... that will be Mr Fred Flintstone reaction...I believe.
Prices of fuel has gone down twice and now will be the third time....but sad to say...much of the damanged has been done in the adjustment from RM1.92 to RM 2.70 per litre then.
I have not really seen the price of other goods (ie TNB) that "depends" on the fuel prices (when it went up) coming down for the past few months. Instead much has been staying as is. as after the RM 2.70 experience. I stand to be corrected on this...and please please please proof me wrong.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Are You Ready?

I remember once when I was telling my older son, Ian, then 5, that Jesus will one day return to take those who belong to Him to heaven to live with him for eternity. In his childlike innocence and with all the wisdom he could muster and had accumulated in all of his 5 years, he asked me an interesting question, "Mom, do we need to pack?"

Anyone would smile at this innocent and inquisitive yet very valid question. Well, I certainly did and that question has never failed to bring a smile to my face every time I think about it. That was 3 years ago and since then, it has also served as a good reminder as well as a warning to several ways actually.

First factor, a reminder...the answer really depends on what you're going to be packing cuz in Matthew 6:19-20, Jesus said, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." So if you had been accumulating lots of earthly stuff like stashed cash, fashionable clothes and beauty products that would help you look young for eternity, no, don't bother. But...if you had been stockpiling sacrifices and deeds done in obedience to Jesus, centred your thoughts and life on fulfilling God's purpose for you, changing your ways as led by his Holy Spirit even at great cost to you, you can be sure that the mansion God had prepared for you would be filled with heavenly treasures, rewards accorded and stored up to you. And the best deal is, your treasure is combination locks required, no 24-hour security needed. It's there waiting for you even right now. So my question is, what are you doing with your life right now...with your time, energy, thoughts, God-given resources, intellect, etc?

Second factor, a warning...packing is associated with getting ready for a journey. Jesus said this in Matthew 24 : 42-44, "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." Jesus warns that His people must be watchful and to be be watchful that we would not be easily deceived by the Devil and thus follow the ways of this world, to be ready so that when Jesus returns, He would find us actively in the midst of something that would please him...such as praying, reading and studying God's word, spreading the Gospel, actively serving, living an upright and fruitful life, drawing closer to Him in knowledge, faith and dependency? So what will it be? To go on living a meaningless life heading for destruction or to live each day with purpose, watchful and ready to stand before God.

I chanced upon the following from another blogger who put this so aptly...

God gives us no warning of when this will take place. He won't call us on the telephone to say that He's in the area and will drop by around 4 o'clock if that's convenient. We will not be given an opportunity to run around frantically trying to clean up our living space to make it appear acceptable to Him. God wants us to be ready at any moment for His appearance. We need to live each day as if it was our last, and focus on the things that really matter--like developing a relationship with Him. The day will come when we will run out of opportunities to get our hearts right with God. While we still have time, we need to spend time with Him.

I have to confess...I am definitely guilty of thinking at times...I'll get it right tomorrow. Silly me, thinking that God somehow didn't see the failings of today. Those times when I cringe at the tone I have taken with a friend, or a co-worker, or when I've been less than loving or let's face it, just flat out rude to someone. The lies that I've told, the impatience I display, my lack of service or action for someone in need...turning the blind eye b/c I was in a hurry or having a personal pity party of some sort. Worse yet, the days that I worship my 'idols' over God, the days that I fail to worship Him at all, the days that I doubt. In all of it, there's always that quiet thought...'I'll get it right tomorrow'.
God sees today though, and it breaks His heart. Tomorrow will come with it's own shortcomings and more promises for the next day and what then? Every day filled with empty and unfulfilled intent...what if tomorrow doesn't come? What if I'm faced with Judgment tonight? I know that I am covered in the blood of Christ and my salvation is secure...but do I really want to stand before God to account for my countless unfulfilled promises and good intentions? How humbling and literally humiliating will it be?? Or do I want to be able to stand before Him and hear Him say 'well done good and faithful servant. You fought the good fight'.
I am so grateful for the mercy that He has offered, allowing me to be secure in my salvation in spite of the shortcomings of my flesh...but I want to be more for Him, I want to make Him proud just as I desired to make my earthly father proud as a little girl. There was no greater feeling than seeing my fathers eyes after doing something that made his heart swell with pride. Even as a child, I knew my father well enough to know what pleased him, what made him happy, what would make him proud of me, and I strived to do those exact things. I want to see Gods eyes light up in the same way. How do I do that in relation to God? Well, I think it starts with something Miller talked a/b this week. Becoming nothing - just as Jesus did...emptying myself and becoming nothing except what my Father sees me as. Seeing only what He sees, doing only what I see Him do, saying only what I hear Him say...and that is only done by knowing Him and His ways so intimately that they become my own ways w/o second thought. I desire the gifts, the blessings and the authority I have been promised through Christ...but Lord, I desire the giver so much more.
Please don't misread what I'm saying here - in no way can we 'earn' our Fathers love by acts and works - it is given just because we exist...just b/c he created us. Rather, I want to please and serve Him b/c He loves me so much. I want to make Him proud b/c of the mercy and grace he has offered. It is my response to what He has already freely given me. It is often said that we must give love in order to receive it and the Lord has given us more than we know what to do's only fair that He should receive my love in return, in the form of obedience and righteous living.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ivan Trying His Hand On Drawing

So it seems both our boys have a thing for expressing themselves through drawing and writing notes. Ben and I are not complaining cuz then we get to document it here in our blog...since our brain cells are deteriorating and our memory probably lasts only like...oops, err...what was I just saying again?

Hey, no fair...why is it that Ben gets a double-story house while Ian and I gets a single-story???
Hey Ben, did you notice your house is on stilts and has stairs leading to the door? Just like the kampung-type of houses you'd probably like.

We all love you too Ivan, you're such a sweetheart...

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Prayer of An Innocent Child

Jesus said in Matthew 18:3b-4, "...unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

And again in Matthew 19:14, " Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Following from where Ben wrote about his car breakdown on Tuesday, it's Friday and he's still having problems with his car...airconditioner blowing hot air and the a overheating engine. To make matters worse, he has quite a number of places to run today. Well, here's the account that God answers prayers, particularly the prayers of an innocent, believing child.

On the way back from school, I told Ivan to pray for his father, for God's protection and journey mercies for Ben, that the car won't "die" in the middle of the road and that the mechanic would be able to fix Ben's car. So Ivan did just that, with some help from me and at the end of his prayer added "That was a good one Mom" for good measure. Having said his prayer, he skipped into Poh-Poh's house without a second thought...well, why should he right? After all, he has prayed and left it all with God to "handle it". Of course, I related all this to Ben, to brighten his day knowing that his son had prayed for him.

About 15 minutes later, Ben called me to tell me that he had switched on his airconditioner and allowed it to run throughout his journey to the mechanic, and whaddya know, his airconditioner was blowing out really cold air and his engine was fine, didn't "die" on there he was, right in front of the mechanic's shop with a "supposedly problematic car" now fully functioning. Oh well, might as well have the mechanic look at it, since he was already here right?

Another 10-15 minutes went by and I received another SMS from Ben..."Simon (mechanic) says that there is nothing wrong with the car..."

Thursday, October 2, 2008

All I Want For Christmas

The pass few days have been a real experience for Ian. He lost two teeth within a week. So I presume his favourite song should be (if he knows it)... "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, My two front teeth. See my two front teeth..."

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Yet Another Year

Yup. It's yet another year...for me. Another year older. I used to make a big fuzz about it...being my special day and that it must be a day off for me and hopefully lots and lots of goodies. Well, that's yesteryear.

Every year is a struggle compared to the last. No cruise control. It only gets harder. As I grew, I find that I have to keep changing my spectacles as my short-sightedness becomes more serious. Then it came to a plateau before it began to fall...until one day...I realise I have problem reading...sigh!!! I used to jump across a 3'-0" wide ravine without a I will not even want to cross a 1'-0" drain. I used to be able to run up a stair now....I have to hold on to the handrail (well almost...Ian just corrected me). I used to think I have the ability to fight and fend for I find that my wrist and ankle hurts even without a struggle.
So, today is like any other day for me for now...but I am looking forward to the day that I will be able to exchange this body for a new body when I meet my LORD JESUS in heaven...Wow what a day it will be...but until will be just another day....

Selamat Hari Raya

To all Muslim friends, Selamat Hari Raya.