Saturday, October 31, 2009

Success Vs Obedience

Something I learnt today from a wise old man.

GOD never called me to be a successful servant but an obedient one.
(Peter Ferry)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Ivan Saga

Number 1

Sitting round the dinner table (There were only a few slices of mushrooms left in the noodles)

Ivan : Daddy, I want more mushroom

Papa : Wait.

Ivan : Cannot wait. I'm the birthday boy.

Number 2

After getting a Transformer Toy.

Ivan : Pa...can you turn it into a car.

Papa : Very difficult Ivan. Don't think I can do that.

Ivan : All daddys can fix everything...just like you dad.

Number 3

On the way to school today.

Ivan : Daddy...I want a Kakak (House Maid).

Papa : It will cost alot of money Ivan.

Ivan : How much? Hundred thousand?

Papa : About RM8,000 or RM9,000?

Ivan : Wah ! So much ah?

Papa : Then again it's better without Kakak right. Before you coun'd put on your socks and shoes, now you can. Before you just ask Kakak to clean up after you have you can take the dishes in into the sink and even wipe the table.

Ivan : Yah ho. I can do a lot of things myself now.

Papa : So ? No Kakak?

Ivan : Yah !!! No Kakak.

Happy Birthday Ivan

Happy Birthday Ivan.

Round 1

Round 2

JESUS Bids Us Shine

JESUS bids us shine with a clear, pure light,

Like a little candle burning in the night;

In this world of darkness, we must shine,

You in your small corner, and I in mine.

JESUS bids us shine, first of all for Him;

Well He sees and knows it if our light is dim;

He looks down from heaven, to sees us shine,

You in your small corner, and I in mine.

JESUS bids us shine, then, for all around,

Many kinds of darkness in this world abound:

Sin, and want, and sorrow—so we must shine,

You in your small corner, and I in mine.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Deep In "Thoughts"

Exam Day 3

No I'm not asleep. I'm deep in thoughts. I'm preparing myself for today's exam. Concentrate. Concentrate.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dental Appointment

My Papa and Mummy said...if the caterpiller is not ready to break out of the coccoon don't cut it open for them. They also said...if the chick is not ready to be hatched, don't crack the shell. Everything has it own timing.

GOD's timing is the best.

For our dear older son...his permanent set of teeth have been taking their own sweet time to break out of the gum. They take so long that the gums began to grow thicker by the day and it has become even more difficult for the teeth to come out.
So the result...crooked tooth. Doctor recommended that we leave it alone and let nature takes it course.
In GOD's time.

"Studying" Hard

Exam Day 2

2 days into his exam and 2 more days to go. Must "study" hard. Very hard. Cannot waste time. Must revise every moment I have.
Ha ! Ha ! ... Fool you.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Flying Words

Exam Day 1

After picking Ivan from school.

Pa : How was it?

Ivan : I don't know. But I didn't finished the question.

Pa : Why ?

Ivan : I don't know. I keep thinking and thinking. Nothing fly into my brain. Fly into other people brain only.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Without Kakak

Without Kakak, we all help out to do our bit for the house and our dear son has been of great help in doing some of the house chores. Great training, I must say and, as Calvin And Hobbes' daddy always says...."It builds character."

Night Before The Exam

This is Ivan...the night before the Year End Exam.

Such dedication. Such concentration.

Chopsticks Brothers

No they are not a singing team. Just to put on record that Ian started using the chopsticks sometime ago and now Ivan tried to us them last night.
"From the master, you learn...young man."
"I did it...I did it."

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Going Places

Wow my mom is sure going places. First she tried and liked the Roti Canai. Today she tries the Cream Puff and the Roti Tissue. (All thanks to Sunny).

What's next? Roti Planta or Durian?

Sunday, October 18, 2009


This week and next, we are all going to be...........................................

The kids are having their exam one at a time and we (especially the mummy) seems to be the one that's doing all the hard work.

Here's an example of the preparation paper for one of the kids.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lok-Lok, Dip-Dip

The kids having their fun with the Dip-Dip eating the Kangkong. Between them...they whacked 3 sticks of it and cost us RM3.90.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Another Birthday Bash...

...from my dear sister.

Thanks sis for your love. LOVE YOU.

Happy Deepavalli

To all who celebrate Deepavalli...


"Tough Questions Needs Tough Answers...

...Stupid Questions Gets Stupid Answers..."

On Reaching The School Today (Much Earlier Than Usual) :

Ivan : "Pa Teacher Alicia and Teacher Samantha are in school already."

Pa : "How do you know?"

Ivan : "I can see their car."

Pa : "Where?"

Ivan : "There."

Pa : "Where is Teacher Samantha's car."

Ivan : "Behind Teacher Alicia's car."

Pa : "Where is Teacher Alicia's car?"

Ivan : "In front of Teacher Samantha's car."

Pa : "Ai yah!"

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Die-Die Must Try - Beef Noodle

This is one Beef Noodle you must try. Uncle Cheng serve your food with passion. He is one who takes pride in his work and "creation". Doubtful? Visit him and try it. If you call him and tell him you are coming...and giving him time and free hand...he can really surprise you. He can even serve you with a 3-Course Lunch and a verbal manual on how to eat your meal.

BTW please do not go after 2.00pm. You will be disappointed.