Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chinese New Year 2011

Blessed Chinese New Year to everyone.

Give thanks to GOD for each and every family members that will be present to spend the time together.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Christian Vs Christian (Part 2)

Facebook is a good and scary thing. Good, because it helps friends keep in touch. Scary because all that you have posted or when a friend tagged will be an open book for all your friends or even strangers.

From the Facebook one will be able to see the "life" of a friend or a friend of a friend or even a stranger flashes by. So what one does "behind closed door" is now ... to a certain extend ... revealed.

We can see disturbing pictures and even conversations of Christians or so called Christians (I really don't know which category they belongs to. Only GOD know) being openly displaced. Questionable acts, Appearance of sin and even horrifying comments can be seen and read by one and all. Some will say this is "Open-Culture", "Being-True-To-Self", "The-In-Thing", "Everybody-Is-Doing-It", "The-Now-Generation".

Sigh!!! The degrading of our culture and moral have caught on with the new generation and even with the Christians.

Has Christianity been reduced to just a Sunday-Going-Christian now? Whatever else that I do outside the church and outside of Sunday is not of concern for anyone else? Is it that; as long as I go to church or read the bible, I can cheat someone? Express sexual love to a someone of the same gender? Drink till I get drunk? Show zero respect to parents and other? Drive like a maniac? etc etc etc.

There are also Christians that are teaching us that; as long as you have repented and confessed your sin ONCE, GOD would have forgiven you of your past, present and FUTURE sin. Since GOD has forgiven you of your future sin, you do not have to confess your sin anymore. So in a sense they are condoning Christians to sin. I can tell you many businessman will love this teaching.

1John 1: 9 says that : "If we confess our sin, HE (GOD) is just to forgive us and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness." Yes, Christians still sin. But need to restore our relationship with GOD by consciously repent and confess our sin to HIM and ask HIM for HIS forgiveness.

Really, who or what is a Christian? Can the real Christian please stand up?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christian Vs Christian

Christian : A religious person who believes JESUS is THE CHRIST and who is a member of a Christian denomination (From Wordweb, italics added).

So if I go to church, I'm a christian. If I speak and act ike a christian, I'm a christian. If I use christian jargon, I'm a christian. If I'm born in a christian family I'm a christian. If I have a christian disposition, I'm a christian. If I'm a Reverend, I'm a christain. If I'm a Pastor, I'm a christian.

Is that how one identify a christian? Is this how the world looks at christians?

Sorry guys, if we believe all those in the second paragraph here, we are wrong. Dead wrong. And don't be caught dead believing all that...alone. All those are just the surface. They are the cosmetics. Anyone can put them on. Even the Satan was once an angel and he is called the angel of light. Demons believe in GOD too...but they are still going to hell.

So who and what is a christain? Will continue this later.

Carpe Diem

Seize The Day.

Life is such. One needs to grad hold of the opportunity as and when GOD presented it to us.

It's such a sad day for me today. Since school starts, being the new year and new term; parents were allowed to accompany their children into the school...but for 3 days only.

For the past 3 days, I have been so busy that I could not stay with the kids for as long as I wish to.

Since I'm free of appointments for today, I was hoping to stay a little longer and hope to spend the entire recess time with the kids....but alas, we were not allowed in anymore.

Seize The Day. Make good the opportunity given. Same goes for all else in life. We are given one life to live...for GOD. May we live for HIM entirely. Abandoning all else and everything else for HIM and HIM alone. JESUS IS LORD.

Opportunities will present itself...make the right one.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Being the second day to school...for the year, our son requested that me visit him during his recess. By doing so, he rewarded me with a stick of Jack Fruit...paid out of his own pocket money. On seeing him struggling to put his wallet back into his little pocket...really touched me. Sob Sob Sob. And...and...and...the Jack Fruit was sooooooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeet. Wow!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Soup, Drink And Straw

What a way to start a new year....for my kid that is. He was soooooo bored he drank his bowl of soup with a straw and then with the same straw he blows bubbles in his Lo Hon Kor drink.
Either nothing bores him or he is bored all the time...but he is never boring for those who watches.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Conversation - With Ian

Ian : Pa, why you don't like to play games?
Pa : It's not everyone's cup of tea darling.
Pa : Ian, what's the meaning of "Not everyone's cup of tea"?
Ian : Not everyone likes.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone.