Sunday, March 30, 2008

KLCC Twin Tower

This is one of my favourite shot of the once tallest building in the world, The Petronas Twin Tower. It looks magnificent from almost any point of view of the towers. The world is trying to outdo each other in trying to build the tallest building in the world. There will always be a new one one someday. Likewise with our lives. The neighbour's grass will always be greener. The neighbour's house will always looks better. I will need to learn to be contented in whatever that I have.

1 comment:

Taipak said...

Looks like the world is still trying to build the Tower of Bable. Sodom (that's how they coin the word sodomy) & Gomorrah, the tower of Bable... We know how everything is going to end. And now the sequel or rather the remake with better CGI, throw in some political jokes and you have a hit movie. But then this time round the show is about us....