Sunday, August 17, 2008


Happy 51st Birthday Malaysia. Come this 31st of August, Malaysia will be 51. 51 years of independence. 51 years of being on our own.

We have gone thru' much. Very much especially since the last General Election. So much have changed. In fact, the last 6 months are 6 months of changes that Malaysia have not ever experienced before since independence.

Our Government lost their 2/3 majority, the f uel cost at it's
highest. Cost of edible and non edible has gone up. Business slowdown seems to be a norm. Streets demonstrations that hardly takes place then seems to happen more often causing (directly or indirectly) disruption to the traffic flow etc etc etc.

Nonetheless Malaysia is Malaysia and it will remain as our beloved country. It is GOD who puts the people in the Government where they are. For whatever actions that they have done...they will be answerable to the GOD almighty...likewise to all who holds whatever leadership position. It is not up to us to lift up or to bring down anyone. It is GOD's Sovereign will and purpose. Eventually it will be for HIS glory and honour.

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