I was on my way to the church for my bible study,
when suddenly, my car "died" on me. After meddling with it and finding no success in starting the car, I called the
AAM for help. While waiting for
AAM's technician to arrive...lo and behold, my neighbour drove by. He took a u-turn and come back to try to help...he later gave me two of his mechanics calling card.
Lesson 1 : Tonight, we are supposed to
tackle a question on how we can show our love to our neighbours. We are called in Matt 22:29 to "Love your neighbour as yourself." Well in this case...I was shown love by my neighbour. He took the trouble to come back and also left me with his mechanics call cards.
The neighbour's mechanic took the trouble to sieve through the possible problems before he single it down to the most basic thing...the fuse box. Yes as it turn out...one of the fuse broke and that's the thing that rendered the whole car immobile.
Lesson 2 : 1 Cor 12:26 "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it, if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it." So because one little fuse fail to performing it's duty, the car is rendered immobile. Likewise, if GOD gave each of a duty and we are not doing it, the rest of the team suffers in one way or another. If one man is not in fellowship with another, the rest will be forced to converse in a limited manner.
Phew. So he found the problem. I was able to start the car again. He is putting back all the things into it's place in my car...and the time is 7.10pm (my bible study is from 7.30pm). Yes I can make it. Then suddenly he dropped a nut and he has to take a few things apart to get to the nut. It's getting late and he was fidgeting because he wanted to finish up the session quickly. I found myself like a hypocrite because I was telling him to be calm and take his time while actually I was hoping that he would end quickly, so that I will be on my way.
Lesson 3 : Matt 23:3 "...they (the Pharisees) do not practise what they preach." (Which incidentally is one of tonight's bible study passage too). Well, here I found my LORD rebuking me instead. Woe to me because I have been a hypocrite. Trivial? Well in James 2:10 (also tonight's reading) it says "For whoever keeps the whole law and stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it." Trivial?
Time is 7.28pm and I am finally on my way. I made it to the church at 7.38pm and my fellow members were all seated down about to begin...phew again...I made it just in the nick of time. Talk about timing. (GOD's timing really.) It's Hari Raya tomorrow and many had gone back home. So the roads were clear. That's why I was able to make it there on time.
Finally. All praise to our LORD. HE lavish HIS love upon me though I don't deserved it. HE forgave my sin when I confess them to HIM (1 John 1 :9). I do not and cannot earn righteousness. It's given to me by HIM. HE clothed me with CHRIST righteousness. Because it had been given to me, I cannot loose it because it's actually me that GOD had given to my LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST (John17:6, 24, John 10;28)
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