Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ailsa Loh's B'day

Ailsa Loh's Birthday

Her Guest

Saturday, November 28, 2009

You Can't Have The Cake And Eat It.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Waiter !

These are our Waiter-In-Training for the night. They did a great job serving us drinks, ice cream and even mint. The cost ? The bill came up to...

V.B.S. Week

This is V.B.S. week for the kids.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Boys to Men...or is it, Boys in Men

We have a roach problem in our home and tonight was no exception. A roach was crawling about on our car causing the boys to be feeling rather jittery and afraid that the roach would approach them. I had already gotten rid of the roach and told them that the roach was gone and would not bother them but they were not convinced. After several promptings, thinking that they were already over their fear, I heard Ivan saying :

"We are "men", we are not afraid of anything!!!"

...and in the very next breathe, with a great big shiver :

""Aaaaahh!!! I am so afraid!!!"

Well, that's my dear, little "man" takes a "man" to admit (and loudly too...;p) that they are afraid...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Naming The LPs

How many of these LPs can you name?

Ian's Guests

Ian invited two of his friends from school to spend half a day with him in the house today. So he play host and we left it to him to host his two friends. It's his privilege. We only bought them a go away gift pack each. Hope they will come us opportunity to introduce CHRIST...without frightening the parents away.
But while the boys are having their fun after their lunch...someone stayed back to help us wash up the dishes without us asking.
Now who is he?
It's him.

Lollipop Lollipop...

[This is the very Lollipop that was given. He didn't eat it...or actually I was doing my mom thing. "Don't eat...make "Kai Choi" (Or some calls it Suen Lat Choi) later. In this case it was "Don't eat. I want to blog it".]

I give you this the show of my affection...our dear Ivan was given a lollipop by a girl in school. Well...I must say he was blur...don't think he knows what hits him. Girls do mature faster than boys. Agree?

Dark Clouds

Dark Clouds Looming. Very frightening. Better to stop and sit out the rain rather then drive in one.

Relax...I Trust Daddy's Driving Completely

Daddy...I trust your driving completely. I can truly relaxed. Night Dad. Yawn!!!

End Of An Era

This is his last day to Kindergaten. So it's a final goodbye to his school. Indeed an end to an era...for us.

As for me...I need to have to block out my mornings anymore. I'm free, free, free. Yahoo!!!

With Ivan finishing his Kindergarten...there goes our regular Breakfast hangout. With RM0.80 for a Roti Canai and RM1.00 for a glass of Teh Tarik...where can we get a cheap breakfast anymore?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ivan's Lesson On : How To Wipe Your Mouth After A Meal

Lesson On How To Wipe Mouth After A Meal...By Ivan

This Is The Way I Wipe My Mouth,

Wipe My Mouth, Wipe My Mouth,

This Is The Way I Wipe My Mouth,

After Every Meal.

11th Anniversary Celebration 2 (?)

After the concert we went for our late dinner...can we consider this as our Second 11th Anniversary Celebration. We were short of a candle though. It would have been "perfect". doesn't matter...the most important is that we are all together. Everyday is a celebration.

Thank you GOD for your blessings.

The Food (or part of it...)

Ivan's Concert 2009

Tonight is Ivan's night...he takes center stage....well...not center...but right side of the stage...still I must admit that he did a great job dancing. Wondering whether we should send him for dancing lesson next time? Maybe turn him into an international dance instructor? How about signing him up in the "So You Think You Can Dance" contest? Or a choreographer?
Check out the videos to see him in action.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Our 11th Anniversary

Tomorrow is our actual anniversary day but with Ivan taking center stage (literally...because he is involved in his school concert) tomorrow...we have to celebrate our anniversary tonight.

We spent our anniversary dinner in Pavilion's T.G.I.Friday and of course ended up spending a lot of money settling the bill.