Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday School Awards Day

Last night I asked the Sunday School Superintendent whether he is prepared for today's Awards Day. His Replay was...Let tomorrow takes care of it self for there are enough trouble for today.

(Matt 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own.)

The conversation didn't end there...he added..."But I have a plan". A gentlemen within ear shot of our conversation commented..."Oxymoron" true.

The Award Day....well it went pretty well. The Sunday School Superintendent summarised it well..."The Award doesn't mean anything, the memorised verses doesn't mean anything, the perfect attendance doesn't mean anything...if we don't learn, obey and apply GOD's WORD in our lives."

Congratulations Ian for coming in Third for Std 1 to 3 Classes. And Congratulations Amelie Loh for being the Top of the Class.

May both of you continue to grow in the love of the LORD. May you obey all that the LORD calls you to.

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