Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Food For Thought

Goreng Ubi Kentang

This is one of the best tea break finger food of Malaysia. Most of us just love this, along with the Goreng Pisang and whatnots.
I haven't had this for sometime (tying to watch my weight) and today I couldn't resist it. I approached a road side store and this is what I have to say about this food and the store that sells the Goreng Ubi Kentang.

1. The food -

The Ubi Kentang size have shrunk tremendously. It's only 50% of the size that we use to buy. As for the thickness, it's also 50% of what it used to.

They applied more flour in now to "puff" up the food.

2. The Seller -

Well, she offered me 5 pieces for RM2.00 and when I asked for RM1.00 worth...she gave me 3 pieces of it. Hum? If I will to immediately buy another RM1.00 worth...I wonder if she would have worked out the mathematics error of it?

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