Saturday, April 5, 2008

Our son's language of love

Brings tears to your eyes and gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling doesn't it?
I never knew before that each person has a different language of love.
And this is my older son's way of expressing his emotions...
I'm still in the midst of discovering my younger son's language of love. I think his is leaning towards providing practical concern and support, ie. taking care of another one's needs.
Me? I think my language of love is like my younger son...I feel loved when my loved ones are present with me, making their support and love known to me by just being there, listening.
Hubby's? His language of love involves physical display of affection, ie. being cuddled, hugged and kissed. That's why he loves kissing and hugging the boys, and playing rough with them...that's his way of showing them that he loves them to bits...
What's your language of love?

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