Thursday, April 24, 2008

"Protein" In A Cup

This morning was really gloomy. It rained almost the entire morning. (The thunder never boom, the lightning never cracks. It would have been great to start this story if it did...but it didn't)
After sending my son to school, I accidentally knocked my head against the car door. Ouch!!! That hurts. "Perfect" morning I thought. So maybe a good morning breakfast would help. So off I went to my favourite store for a bowl of noodle and a glass of cool longan drink. Aah!!! Great noodle and was finishing my drink with the longan inside, when suddenly I realise one of it was not a longan but a......well boiled dead LIZARD (My wife calls it protein). (So if I fall ill or die you know what happened.)
Heard of strange findings in food...but that only happens to other people...not wrong can I be.'s bible reading is from Matthew 6 : 25 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you eat or drink..." Sure gave a different meaning to this verse now, doesn't it? I will never look at this verse the same again. Does our GOD have a humour?

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