Thursday, May 1, 2008

1st Of May

"When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall..." so the Bee Gees song goes. Today will be a marathon for us. We will be marching over to my Mom-In-Law's place tonight to celebrate the life of my Father-In-Law who past away on this day 12 years ago before I had a chance to meet him. But because of this man...whose legacy is left via my loving and sweet and one-in-the-world Mom-In-Law (she is the ultimate in disputing the epitome of the world's view of a Mom-In-Law) and also his family though my dear loving wife and the ever caring and fun brother and sisters-in-law.

Later after that, we will be marching over to my brother's place to celebrate his 50th birthday. The very brother whom I fought with throughout our entire pre teens life...He is fifty. The big 50. Wow. I always thought 50 will be ancient and now my own brother will be 50. I thank the LORD for HIS calling upon my brother to serve HIM in his local church with passion for the youth. May our GOD supply my brother with wisdom in ministering to the youth as well as for his daily provision...which may (as well as for all of us) be very challenging.

My daily reading today was "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7

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