Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My God is a Promise-Keeping God

Work had been (and still is) really challenging and as hard as I tried to trust God in my trying circumstances, I was complaining and whining a lot...to God and to my family, friends and colleagues. My routine every morning would start with prayer, or more like crying out to the Lord, before the day started. Then after sending Ian to school, I would head to the office cafeteria for breakfast and my personal quiet time with God, usually doing my BSF questions during this precious time with God. However, on this particular morning, I flipped to Exodus 6 which detailed God's promise of deliverance to the Israelites who were suffering as slaves under the Pharoah's wicked and punishing ways, just before their exit from Egypt. And then God spoke to me through the following verse :

Exodus 6:5 "I have heard the groaning of the Israelites, whom the Egyptians are enslaving, and I have remembered my covenant."

I felt so comforted because God had heard my cries...knew my "suffering"...and remembered His promise made to me back in August 2007 (from Isaiah 41:9b-10, 13-14)...a promise that would carry me through the many challenges I would be facing, challenges He already knew about then when He first gave me His promise because He is the :
  1. Promise-Keeping God - He remembers and keeps His word
  2. Unchanging God - He doesn't change His ways, His plans doesn't depend on what man does or plans and He is the same God who delivered the Israelites then who delivers me now
  3. Sovereign God - all things are under His control and nothing or no one can thwart His sovereign plans to fulfill His plans according to His good will and purposes
  4. All-Knowing God - nothing escapes His eye, no one can hide from Him
  5. Personal God - He is the Creator and Almighty God but yet, He is my Personal God who knows and meets my every need, the God of all wisdom and comfort; nothing is too difficult for Him nor does he consider anything too small for me to bring to His attention.
...and this Almighty and Great God...is MY GOD.

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