Sunday, November 30, 2008

As A Record...

This morning we went out as a family for brunch in a nearby coffeeshop. I took out RM20.00 and wanted to see how far our money can go.

There were 3 adults and two kids (who already had their daily dosage of milk).

So we ordered 2 plates of Hong Kong Chu Cheong Fun (RM2.90 per plate), 1 plate of Fish Ball noodle (RM3.80) and 1 plate of Pork Noodle (RM4.00). As for the drinks, we ordered 1 black coffee on the rocks, 1 Ice Lemon and 1 Ice Lemon tea (RM4.60)

What came back was RM 1.80

About Toothpaste And Toothbrushes

In an earlier post, I talked about us setting up a neat system of checking on who has or have not brushed their teeth.

Well tonight, our youngest son took the lead to be the first to go into the bathroom to brush his teeth ...on his own. Guess what? He set up the toothbrushes for all of us with his dainty little fingers.

The way he applied the toothpaste onto our toothbrushes are so cute. He really made our day.
BTW, he took the photo on the left himself.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Credit Cards

Credit Cards. They can be a blessings or they can be a curse.
At one point I was having 4 credit cards in my wallet and at the worst of time, I neary maximised my credit in all the cards. I knew this was a problem. It was a real burden for me...even with the minimum payments...especially when my business was like almost dead.

So my wife steps in to take over the repayments for the cars and most of the daily expenses. This gave me room to try to clear the credit cards slowly. It has been over a year now. You know what? Tonight I put in the last cheque to clear my last credit card.

I have been there and I hope I don't have to go through it again. I hope not to misuse my credit cards anymore and will try to pay for things that I can afford only. I would need to remind myself that I would need to watch my spending all the time.

Here I would like to thank my GOD for an understanding wife and also for HIS provision. It is HIS grace that brounght me through this.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Ai Yak ! Ouch !! Waaaaah !!!

Ivan's Eye.............................. Ian's Finger...........................

Tonight is really an accident prone night.

First Ian accidentally hurt Ivan's eyes with the CD cover. Then they knocked their head against each other and in the end...while setting up the room for the night, Ian got his finger caught while closing the window.

So is a "Waaah! Haaa! Haaa!!" here and a "Booo Hooo Hooo!" there the whole night.

It's Your Fault !!

We went for a movie tonight (BOLT) and after that we went for our dinner.

It's a good night so we went to a Video shop and upon Ian's request, I bought them a Cartoon Movie. It cost me RM20.00 for it.

On the way back, Ivan said : "Pa, you buy the CD, very expensive. It's not Mummy's fault, it's not Kor-Kor's fault, it's not my fault. It's your fault."

You just can't please them, can you?

Oh ! I Know !

Two of our plants in our September Garden are dying and we were wondering why. So on closer examination we saw some red ants crawling on it and thus we quickly concluded that, it's because of them they the plants dies.

Ian asked' "Why are the ants eating our plants?"

My reply : "I don't know."

Our little Ivan said : "Oh ! I know ! It's because they are hungry."

Guess The Guest With Gas (?)

For A Limited Time Only...Guess Who He Or She Is? No prize though.

Our Dinner..Yum Yum

Photos From The Dinner

Thursday, November 27, 2008

3 Weddings In 3 Months

A Chinese traditional wedding with Tea Ceremony and all.
A Catholic Church Wedding
And a Protestant Church Wedding

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lean On Me

Took a few photos recently and these photos reminded me of a song..."Lean On Me". Can't remember who sang it but at a time like these, it's truly appropriate.

Over the dinner table a few days ago, my brother-in-law was telling every one that this is really trying time and it grow worst so we are to look out for each other and to share each other's fortune and misfortune. Well said brother.

"Lean on me, when your not strong,

And I will be your friend,

I'll help you carry on,

For it won't be long,

'Till I'm gonna need,

Somebody to lean on."