Sunday, January 17, 2010

Christmas And Chinese New Year Fusion

Christmas has ended, the new year has come and before we could even get down to catching our breath, Chinese New Year has come upon us. And as you can see, we barely had time to put our Christmas tree away. So we decided to do the next best thing, take advantage of the situation (and not to mention our laziness...), we decided to hang red decorative lantern lights around our tree. We're not very innovative and creative when it comes to festive decorations, as you can see but this little incident brought to mind a little spiritual lesson...

...Christmas, a day celebrated by Christians all over, of Jesus' birth, that He became man in order that we may have life...eternal life. That we may be reconciled to God, the Father, that we may have eternal fellowship with him and live our lives for him. Christmas begins in the heart of one who believes and have committed their lives to following Jesus. Christmas is not just a one-day affair but a lifetime commitment, lived out day-by-day....just as the Christian life is not lived out on Sundays but each day.

So hanging those lantern lights weren't so wrong after all... cuz Christmas is just not for a season or a day, but the whole year through...hmmm, I wonder what we would be hanging on them next after this Chinese New Year...any suggestions?

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