Thursday, January 21, 2010

Think Of These Things

Phip 4:8

Finally, brothers,
whatever is true,
whatever is honorable,
whatever is just,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is commendable,
if there is any excellence,
if there is anything worthy of praise,
think about these things.

Replacing one's negative thoughts with that which is true and honorable and just and pure and, lovely and not easy. I realise that as I go through my daily routine many undesirable thoughts comes to mind.

Like for example, someone jumps the red light and a motorbike rider stops in front of that particular car just to show the driver that she is in the wrong and I was the car that they were blocking.

Like when I parked my car in a huge open car park and found that I'm one of the two cars that a courier service truck is blocking.

Like when I'm the first in line at the traffic light and the Traffic Police man nonchalantly walk out and made me wait twice or thrice the change of lights before he let me go. Then after which he just walked off.

Like a client of mine who made me drop everything to run a few rounds and then realise that he really doesn't need my service and I can't charge him...for the running around.

Three out of four of these happened to me between yesterday and today, and my devotion for today leads me to Phil 4 : 8.

I'm consciously making an effort to replace my negative feelings with Phil 4:8. It's not easy but with a conscious effort and knowing that GOD will be pleased...helps.

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