Sunday, April 27, 2008

Another "Protein" In A Cup

You would have thought MacDonalds will be better but this afternoon we found a little bug in the "Corn In The Cup"...which comes with the Happy Meal for our kids.

Sad to say we were not having a proper camera, otherwise this would have turned out clearer. Please look within the black square on the bottom left hand corner of one of the grain of corn inside the cup.

Moral of the story...Watch what you eat.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sports Day

It was our son's maiden participating in sports and he was in a team relay event. They started well and they were leading but sad to say, half way through the event, one of his team members was a bit too enthusiastic and started taking off the loop before he reached the other side and this caused the team to be penalized. In the end the team turned out last.

Doesn't this reflect our lives too? If we will to take the short cut every day and every time when we are doing our homework or work, we will never be able to get the basics right and this may one day turn our to be the very "torn" that would bring us down.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

"Protein" In A Cup

This morning was really gloomy. It rained almost the entire morning. (The thunder never boom, the lightning never cracks. It would have been great to start this story if it did...but it didn't)
After sending my son to school, I accidentally knocked my head against the car door. Ouch!!! That hurts. "Perfect" morning I thought. So maybe a good morning breakfast would help. So off I went to my favourite store for a bowl of noodle and a glass of cool longan drink. Aah!!! Great noodle and was finishing my drink with the longan inside, when suddenly I realise one of it was not a longan but a......well boiled dead LIZARD (My wife calls it protein). (So if I fall ill or die you know what happened.)
Heard of strange findings in food...but that only happens to other people...not wrong can I be.'s bible reading is from Matthew 6 : 25 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you eat or drink..." Sure gave a different meaning to this verse now, doesn't it? I will never look at this verse the same again. Does our GOD have a humour?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Our God Is A Prayer-Answering God

Last Tuesday, Ian couldn't complete his homework in time, thus was not able to attend his BSF class. So yesterday morning, I told him to pray and ask God to protect his time so that he would be able to go for BSF. So we prayed together in the car, asking God to either arrange for less homework or if there's a lot of homework, to enable Ian to finish them in time before I come back to pick him up in the evening.

So off to school he went and as per our usual routine, I called him after he came back from school. And our conversation goes something like this :

Me : Hi Darling!
Ian : Hi Mee (y'know, as in short for Mummy...)
Me : How was school?
Ian : Fine.
Me : How much homework have you got?
Ian : Not a lot.
Me : How many?
Ian : 2 only.
Me : What are they?
Ian : English and Maths activity book.
Me : Easy-lah, so you can finish quite fast right, we have BSF tonight.
Ian : Yeah. Mee, God answered my prayer hor?
Me : Yeah, He did.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Red Ants

Both our kids had their first taste (or was it the ants having their taste of our kids?) of being bitten by the red ants while they were playing in the little garden outside the house. They came running in crying. Poor kids. Back in those I go again...about our olden, golden times when we run around, not only in the garden but secondary jungle and rivers and blah blah blah...sigh!!! Those were the days. We climb up trees. We swim in rivers. Our "toys" were spiders, crickets, black ants, tops, kites, picture cards, marbles, two sticks (made up of a foot-long stick and another 6-inch stick) and even slippers. You name it man. We improvised and we had fun.

Oops. I deviated from the Red Ants experience. So, anyway, red ants are just part and parcel of our growing up...along with all the good and bad that we have or going to experience. There will be bitter or sweet experience. there, that's all I wanted to "say" about ants. (Did someone say that I'm using this as an excuse to tell about those good old days when.............)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Our Boys' Favourite "Quotes"

  • When he was a toddler learning his numbers :"1, 2, 3, 4 ... 10... Ta Ta Tu!"
  • Whenever we had to go out somewhere : "Papa (or Mummy), watch out for the cars-ah. Watch out for the longkang-ah..."
  • Before he begins any sentence to express disgust, surprise, amazement,etc : "Eeeyea....!"
  • When he's trying to tell us something that happened : "And then ah.... (some details of the story)...and then ah.... (more details of the story)... and then ah... (some more details of the story)..."
  • When agreeing with us or sharing a joke about Ivan : "Chuckle, chuckle...yeah lor!"
  • When we have parked our car and upon walking away from the car : "Have you locked the car yet?"
  • When he asks us a question or to help him with something, he subsequently changes his mind : "Never mind, never mind..."
  • Other exclamations : ""Like that, mah!", "If aah..."
  • When we refuse his request for something : "But I want wor. But I want."
  • When we ask him to do something or to kiss/hug someone (1st stage) : "No need"
  • When we ask him to do something or to kiss/hug someone (2nd stage) : "Whyyy?...But whyyyy?"
  • When we catch him doing something he's not supposed to be doing : "Whaaat!? I didn't do anything what!"
  • When he's done something wrong and he confesses his wrongdoing to us : "I'm sorry, Papa (or Mummy), I'm sorry...will you pleeeaase forgive me??"
  • When we erase his writing and ask him to re-write the word as he's doing his homework : "But it's correct whaaat"
  • When we repeatedly tell him to do his homework and he can't sit still to do his homework but keeps walking up to us : "I just want to tell you something...cannot meh?"
  • And...everyday, and at any time of the day (or night) : "Aaaaaaaah!!!" ( in high-pitched screeeeccchhhing!!!!)....while jumping (on the spot or off some furniture), hopping or zipping around like some scared & beserked jack rabbit throughout the house (ours or at Poh-Poh's)

And their all time favourite :

  • When asked to do something (eg. brush your teeth, pack your bag/things/toys, shower, switch off the TV/computer, etc, etc) : "Wait!....Wait-ah!"

Thursday, April 10, 2008

TV Remote

My sister pass us her old TV recently along with this remote control. Picking up the remote, our 5 year old son said "Mee (short for mummy), smells like "Ku Ma".

Each of us emits a distinct smell or fragrance. What do you think each of us "smells" like to another?

2Co 2:15 For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Our son's language of love

Brings tears to your eyes and gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling doesn't it?
I never knew before that each person has a different language of love.
And this is my older son's way of expressing his emotions...
I'm still in the midst of discovering my younger son's language of love. I think his is leaning towards providing practical concern and support, ie. taking care of another one's needs.
Me? I think my language of love is like my younger son...I feel loved when my loved ones are present with me, making their support and love known to me by just being there, listening.
Hubby's? His language of love involves physical display of affection, ie. being cuddled, hugged and kissed. That's why he loves kissing and hugging the boys, and playing rough with them...that's his way of showing them that he loves them to bits...
What's your language of love?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Shampoo - Normal Or Oily

Son : "Dad, why are you using shampoo for oily hair and I'm using shampoo for normal hair?"
Dad : "That's because I have oily hair and your hair is normal."
Son : "Why do you have oily hair?"
Dad : "We will have to ask GOD when we meet him one day."
Son : "You ask lah."
Dad : "We can ask HIM together."
Son : "You will see HIM you ask HIM lah...then you tell me when I am there."

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

One Sen Coin

This is the day that our one sen coin will loose part of its value. With the "Rounding Up" exercise by our Government to the nearest 5 sen, starting today (1/4/2008), we will see the cease of use of this coin.
Remember those days when we have the 1/4 or 1/2 sen coin? How about the huge Black And White TV?