Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ian's Sports Day

It was indeed a fine day for sports and don't you just love seeing kids going out to play rather than being couped inside the building with the air condition unit on while playing some (computer) "games" ?

So thanks to the school for organising the sports day.

The Crowd

I do believe that's if its not for the kids being involved in the sports (on way or another) the parents will not be there. We all have "better" things to do.

The Opening

The "Si Fu" And His Apprentice

The reliable "Si Fu" with his apprentice going about doing their job. Without them, the games will not start.

Waiting To Be Called

They all have to wait for their good amount of patience is needed badly.

Let The Game Begins

So after an awfully long's their turn now to turn on that charm and their courage and their well toned muscle to show this Crowd what they are made of.

Ha Ha Ha. Now the the Olympics.

Oh well...we came in third. We just missed the medal by a whiskies. The medal will have to wait then. There will be a next year...GOD willing. As Arnold S once said "I'll be back".

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