Sunday, May 3, 2009


I was asked another question by Ian sometime ago. He asked "Pa, why is it that I have seen mummy cried before but not you?" Now how can I answer him? I told him the truth. I have cried and I will cry but it just that he has not seen me shed tears before. In fact I have also chose not to cry unnecessary in front of them or for that fact, those that are close to me.

It's really embarrassing to cry...especially for a man...but there is a fact HE is THE MAN. In John 11 V 35. It says "JESUS wept." Upon approaching Lazarus tomb...HE wept. HE wept not because of Lazarus death per se or that Mary and Martha were sad...but that this, "death" was not meant to be. When HE created the heavens and the earth, when HE created Adam and Eve...death is not to be part of life. Life is meant to be for eternity. But because of sin. The dreadful sin...death came into the world. In fact almost immediately after Adam and Eve animal, an innocent animal, had to be scarified to cover their nakedness. Death was the result of sin entering into the world.

Blood, the blood of the LAMB of GOD, had to be sacrificed once and for all...for all mankind....for all whom HE had called. For all whom HE called, HE justified by HIS shed blood. And whom HE justified HE will also glorified.
The creator of the world became the sacrifice of the world. HE died so that we might have life. HIS blood was shed so that death, the punishment for sin, would passover us.
No blood, no altar now,
The sacrifice is o'er!
No flame, no smoke ascends on high,
The lamb is slain no more,
But richer blood has flowed from nobler veins,
To purge the soul from guilt, and cleanse the reddest stains.

We thank Thee for the blood,
The blood of Christ, God's Son
The blood by which our peace is made,
Redemption great is won,
Delivering us from hell, and sin, and woe;
That His eternal life God may to us bestow.

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