Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008

Another year has fleetingly come and gone, as I'm sure most of you would agree with me. 2008 has been a difficult year filled with uncertainties for many in many ways. The political, financial, social and economic arenas were bombarded with much change as the world faced overcrowding, greed, overuse and abuse of its resources, and the likes. Some survived the onslaught of these "events" while some didn't.

As I look back over 2008, I have mixed feelings...For one, I am thankful and grateful for God's protection and gracious blessings, for his abundant providence despite the turmoil. We were able to maintain a comfortable lifestyle and even go for holidays. We have our health, our family, our friends and the blessing to enjoy them. On the other hand, the fleetingness of time has left my life somewhat hollow and shallow, particularly this year. Apart from my age and the higher awareness of muscle aches and creaking bones, I do not feel that my life has grown any richer or given more meaning or joy to others around me. Each day had gone by pretty much like the day before that, and that is scary.

This was wonderfully illustrated by a church friend who shared a similar experience during Christmas. Our lives are so filled with busy schedules and urgent datelines that there are no more "stories" to be told. We have been brainwashed to maintain that our lives are measured by the amount of time we spend at work, the money we earn and the possessions we acquire. What about our kids' character built throught quality time spent with them, or the time spent with those in need, or the number of people who know Christ through our personal sharing and testimony of the One who makes our very existence meaningful and purposeful? We have all lost our way and life's meaning as God had intended.

So how would 2009 be any different for me? For you?

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