Saturday, December 27, 2008

Our Collection of Kids Humour

I was sharing with a colleague of mine about what a friend's son said about his brother and it brought to my mind what a great idea it would be to record these stories as we hear them. One day, we'll definitely look back and reminisce over these wonderful tales and memories.

So this one went like this...

Every day, my friend would pick up her 4-year old older boy from the daycare/kindie and then drive over to her mom's house to pick her 1-year old toddler. So on this very day, upon picking up her older 4-year old, the boy asked her mom, "Why do we have to pick up baby from Poh-Poh? Can we pick him up later?". Mom says, "OK, we can pick him up later but what time do you want to pick baby up?". Without skipping a beat, the 4-year old said, "Can we pick him up when he's like...4 or 5 years old?"

Errrrr.....uh-huh, yeah right!!!

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