Monday, December 15, 2008

Singapore Trip - Day 5

10th December 2008

The Final Day

I must say we have thoroughly enjoyed our stay in the hotel. The staffs were great and polite and the hotel is truly strategically located.

Just opposite the hotel we can actually find one bank, 1 ATM Machine, 1 Citibank Bill Payment Kiosk, 7-11 shop, Dessert Shop, Mix Rice shop, Bakery etc, etc, etc. Really for convenience...this is probably second to none.

The Pool With A Poo (But Not Winnie The Poo)

Ian has be nagging us to take him for a swim in the hotel pool and we finally relented. So we took him to the hotel pool in the morning for a swim...since we are leaving today and will not be going anywhere else.

What a day to choose to enter the pool...for in the Pool we found a Poo...or what resembles a Poo until the cleaner "confirm" it with an exclamation. Check out the photo and tell me what it looks like.

Anyway it didn't deter the kids from entering in into the pool and I have to do likewise...for their sake.


So after the swim and a thorough shower...we decided to go for our lunch...and this time we choose to walk next door to the shopping mall...yes...the hotel actually has a shopping mall attached to it and there is actually a Burger King inside it. This place is amazing isn't it.

No, we didn't have Burger King. We wanted cheap local food and we went up to the 3rd floor for the....Ten! Ten! Ten!...the Food Court. Yes. It has a full fledged food court too. this place really haven't failed to amaze us.


To put a cap to our trip...after our lunch, we actually walked across the street for our dessert.

The Hotel

I know I have not mentioned the name of the hotel. I wanted to leave it to the last...and here it is... The Amara.

1 comment:

Observations said...

Thanks Mikkiel for the info