Sunday, December 28, 2008

We Used To...(Part 3)

During the first few years of our marriage...we used to light up the tea candle for the aromatherapy. Filling our bedroom with Basil and Lavender. Enjoying the flickering of the light from the tea candle while the air-conditioner is switched on.

For the past few years we have stored up all our aromatherapy things and totally forgot about them until tonight when we went through some cupboards and drawers and found them again. Lighting up the Tea Candles and smelling those fragrances reminded us of those times. And incidentally earlier in the night, we went back to our old neighbourhood for our dinner reminiscence of those times.

We love to relive our past...sometimes. Giving thanks to GOD for HIS goodness, mercy, guidance, protection, provision etc. To live today whole for HIM and to trust HIM completely for the future.

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