Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Seat Belt Or Overloading

Today's E New in the Star

"If seat belt ruling doesn’t get you, overloading will

PETALING JAYA: The fourth rear passenger might get away for not wearing the seat belt but the driver could be fined for overloading his vehicle, warned Road Safety Depart­ment director-general Datuk Suret Singh."

Do you get the feeling that "someone" is trying to create a law to "catch" you somehow somewhere, no matter what? This is the feeling I got from reading this headline. Wonder what they will do with the motorbikes that have more than one pillion rider? How about those who ride their motorbikes without the safety helmets or those who speed through the red traffic lights without a care in the world? What about those who ride against the traffic flow?

Well enough said.


Mahmood Syed Faheem said...
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Mahmood Syed Faheem said...

Traffic has become worse now after the recent cyclone.

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